The Food Systems Research Institute continually publicizes and shares our findings with a global audience, whether they be policy documents or peer-reviewed outlets. Please explore the food systems resources provided below.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Becot, F., Conner, D., Nelson, A., Buckwalter, E. and Erickson, D. (2014). Institutional Demand for Locally-Grown Food in Vermont: Marketing Implications for Producers and Distributors. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 45(2), 99-117.
Erickson, D.L., Lovell, S.T., Méndez, V.E. (2013) Identifying, quantifying and classifying agricultural opportunities for land use planning. Landscape and Urban Planning 118; 29-39.
Erickson, D.L., Lovell, S.T., Méndez, V.E. (2011) Landowner willingness to embed production agriculture and other land use options in residential areas of Chittenden County, VT. Landscape and Urban Planning 103 (2); 174-184.
Lovell, S. T., Méndez, V. E., Erickson, D.L., Nathan, C. and DeSantis, S. (2010) Extent, pattern, and multifunctionality of treed habitats on farms in Vermont, USA. Agroforestry Systems 80(2); 153-171.
Lovell, S.T., DeSantis, S., Nathan, C.A., Olson, M.B., Méndez, V.E., Kominami, H.C., Erickson, D.L., Morris, K.S. and Morris, W.B. (2010) Integrating agroecology and landscape multifunctionality in Vermont: An evolving framework to evaluate the design of agroecosystems. Agricultural Systems 103(5); 327-341.
Jobs Accelerator Action Plan for Agriculture and Food System Development

Northern Community Investment Corporation, (2014)
FSRI produced a 160 page report that inventoried agricultural and food system assets of the Northern Tier (an eight-county region spanning Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine). The report included extensive mapping, biophysical capacity assessment using 1-meter aerial imagery, and market analyses based on consumer spending behavior. This project was funded by a Rural Community Development Initiative Grant from USDA Rural Development.
Keep Growing: Sowing the Seeds of a Food Strategy for New Hampshire's North Country and Vermont's Northeast Kingdom
Ammonoosuc Conservation Trust, (2014)
FSRI completed an extensive Data Analysis & Recommendations report for the Ammonoosuc Conservation Trust in spring of 2014. The report examined current resources and recommend next steps for advancing the Keep Growing initiative.
Scaling Up Vermont’s Local Food Production, Distribution, and Marketing (Executive Summary)
NOFA Vermont, Food Education Every Day, (2012)
FSRI team member Daniel Erickson produced all of the maps and served as a technical consultant for the “Scaling Up.” project.
Regional Food System Plan for Vermont's Northeast Kingdom
Center for an Agricultural Economy & the Northeastern Vermont Development Association
FSRI team member Daniel Erickson provided mapping services for this report.
Farm to Plate Strategic Plan and project web site
FSRI team member Daniel Erickson performed multiple geospatial analyses and produced all of the maps included in the Farm to Plate plan.