Our Process

At FSRI, we prioritize client satisfaction above all else. Whatever your project may be, FSRI will serve as an ally to achieve your objectives in a rewarding and efficient manner. While all projects are customized based on a client’s needs and goals, the FSRI process typically follows a the three-step process outlined below.

Step 1: Baseline Assessment & Alignment

FSRI discusses project goals and needs and assesses current capacities. This iterative process serves as the foundation of the FSRI-client relationship. At this stage, clients should have a concrete idea of what products and/or services they will receive from FSRI.

Step 2: Project Proposal

After objectives are agreed upon, FSRI will submit a proposal to the client that details work to be completed, including pertinent project details such as specific tasks, budget, and timeline.

Step 3: Implementation & Engagement

During the Implementation & Engagement phase, the project is completed based on client specifications.